Must Have Gun Accessories: Handgun Guide

Following your first handgun purchase the next logical step is the search for accessories. While this search can be vast it is important to focus on items that will serve you the best. With that in mind, here are some suggestions for the most important handgun accessories.

Gun Accessories: Handgun Guide

First you need to find a good holster. The choices in this arena range from simple nylon and kydex to exotic leathers. When searching through this field the most important feature is fit. The holster should protect the trigger and sit firmly and safely on the body. Because of the diversity in this area selection can be challenging. If at all possible, try the holster before you buy.

The second item I would consider an important accessory is a good set of low light sights. While some manufacturers will include these, most will leave it to the consumer to choose the sight of their preference. Sights are important especially if you plan on using this as a defensive weapon.

A third item is one that most people in the industry do not think about, a good cleaning kit. This purchase is an investment and you should do your best to strive to take care of it to maintain its function. This is made easier using a well-made kit with all the items you need. The last item I would suggest is a light. These come in different flavors and sizes as well as range and power. They are generally easy to mount and make a great accessory for handguns designated for personal protection.

Obviously, there are hundreds of other items we could ultimately add to our kit. These however are just a few of the primary fundamentals and should serve you well as you begin your journey in the handgun culture.

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