Firearms From Soldier of Fortune Magazine’s Robert K. Brown Now At Auction On

Soldier of Fortune Magazine’s Robert K. Brown’s Firearms at Auction on Now 87, Brown has elected to part with many of his special firearms as well as memorabilia accumulated over the years.

Soldier of Fortune Robert K. Brown
RKB is pictured with this rifle over a two-page spread in We The People by Ben Philippi and published in 2016

December 8, 2019 – Kalispell, Montana – For immediate Release

Robert K. Brown, USAR (Ret.) has lived a life of incredible adventure. He served in Vietnam as a Green Beret, trained troops and fought communists alongside them in hotspots around the globe and has defended the Second Amendment via his long-held seat on the NRA Board of Directors. In 1975, Brown founded Soldier of Fortune Magazine. Always willing to use the platforms he created to support his beliefs without the slightest regard for fallout sure to follow, Brown has been praised and damned in equal parts by those dumbstruck that such a person actually exists in today’s world. 

Now 87, Brown has elected to part with many of his special firearms as well as memorabilia accumulated over the years. Some of his firearms are rare or unique, others created especially for him and many feature his special “007” serial number. These items will be auctioned on beginning December 8th, with closing on December 20th. Sportsman’s Legacy, a firm specializing in the orderly monetization of fine and historic firearms, is presenting the items.

Highlights include:

Olympic Arms / Schuetzen Pistol Works Street Deuce .45 ACP with serial number SOF001.

Detonics CombatMaster .45 ACP incorporating RKB’s 007 serial number.

Colt Gunsite Pistol .45 ACP incorporating RKB’s 007 serial number.

Ruger Mark II Target .22 LR, US-marked with serial number RB-007.

Winchester Model 97 Riot 12 gauge with aluminum stock, Omaha Police Department.

FN A5 Riot 12 gauge with extended magazine tube and forend.

Ruger Mini-14 GBF .223 Rem. with factory folding stocks sent to SOF for evaluation.

Knight’s Manufacturing Stoner SR-25 .308 Win., unfired with serial number 007.

D-Max .45 ACP semi-auto Sten clone, unfired, incorporating RKB’s 007 serial number.

Several Springfield Armory M1, M1A and Saint engraved factory presentation rifles.

Wild West Co-Pilot .45-70 Marlin 1895SS with black bear skull.

Holloway Arms Model 7 (HAC-7) .308 Winchester, folding stock, unfired, with RB007 serial.

Grouping of four WWII air combat framed prints inscribed by Black Sheep One, Pappy Boyington to RKB.

Outstanding servants gong fashioned from a 90mm artillery shell and a sable horn during RKB’s time in Rhodesia.

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