Building an AR 15? Start with These 5 Parts at

The AR 15 is extremely popular among firearms enthusiasts due to its versatility and ease of customization. If you’re ready to upgrade your stock AR 15 or build a custom rifle, you need to be sure you have the essential components on hand. It’s also important to know how various AR 15 parts interact so that you can effectively assemble, maintain, and operate your rifle. Read on to learn about the significant components you’ll need to undertake an AR 15 build.

Upper Receiver Group

Your rifle’s upper receiver group includes the bolt carrier group, charging handle, barrel, handguard, the upper receiver itself, and a few other components. For a quicker build, you can buy a complete upper receiver and simply attach it to your lower receiver. Or, for full customization, get each part separately and assemble it on your own. You can find a wide variety of complete receivers, stripped uppers, and more when you browse listings for AR 15 parts at Choose from manufacturers like Colt, LWRC, and more.

Lower Receiver Group

The lower receiver is the meat and potatoes of your AR 15, so much so that it is imprinted with the weapon’s serial number and is one of the most heavily regulated AR 15 parts. The lower receiver group includes components such as the bolt catch, safety selector, buffer tube, trigger group, and more. In the listings at, you can find lower parts kits, stripped lower receivers, or complete receivers to accelerate your rifle build. You can also find sidearms like Ruger LCPs, Colt 1911s, and more.

Stocks and Grips

If you can’t hold your rifle securely against your shoulder, you’ll experience discomfort and, more importantly, reduced accuracy. Depending on how particular you want to be with your build, you can select a fixed or collapsible buttstock that meets your needs. There are also many pistol grips to choose from, so check out the listings at to find one that will give you firm control over your AR 15. Also, consider a foregrip for additional stability. While you’re at it, consider a new collapsible stock to enhance your AR 12.


When purchasing or assembling your trigger group, perhaps the most important consideration is the trigger pull weight. You want a weight that is comfortable without being so light as to create a negligent discharge. At, you’ll find a variety of flat and curved triggers. You can also choose from two-stage triggers, binary triggers, and other options. Try to find a trigger that will allow you to achieve the best accuracy and rate of fire possible without sacrificing positive control over your weapon.


If you decided on an A1 or A2 receiver for your build, a detachable carry handle with a rear sight could be a great option for evoking the nostalgia of the iconic M16. If you decided to go with a flat receiver, a Magpul MBUS flip-up rear sight could be the best choice. Or maybe you want to skip the iron sights and go with a red dot for quicker target acquisition. At, you’ll find a wide array of iron sights and optics to top off your AR 15 build.

Find the parts for your AR 15 build by shopping at

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